Adrian Burgos
- Playing America’s Game: Baseball, Latinos, and the Color Line
- Cuban Star: How One Negro-League Owner Changed the Face of Baseball
Articles and Book Chapters:
- “Becoming Suspects: Latinos, Baseball, and Belonging in a Multi-racial America,” in Beyond el Barrio, (New York: NYU Press, 2010): 81-99. (Co-Author with Frank Guridy)
- “Left Out: Afro-Latinos, Black Baseball, and the Revision of the History of Jim Crow Baseball,” Social Text, 27: 198 (Spring 2009): 37-58.
- “Entering Cuba’s Other Playing Field: Cuban Baseball and the Choice between Race and Nation,”Journal of Sport and Social Issues vol. 29 no. 1 (Feb. 2005): 9-40.
- “Learning America’s Other Game: Baseball, Race, and the Study of Latinos,” in Latina/o Popular Culture: Cultural Politics into the Twenty-First Century, Mary Romero and Michelle Habell Pallan, ed., (New York: New York University Press, 2002): 225-239.
Michael Butterworth
- Baseball and Rhetorics of Purity: The National Pastime and American Identity during the War on Terror
- Sport and Militarism: Contemporary Global Perspectives (ed.)
- Sport, Rhetoric, and Political Struggle (co-edited with Daniel Grano)
- “Sport and the Quest for Unity: How the Logic of Consensus Undermines Democratic Culture,” Communication & Sport, 8.4-5 (2020): 452-472.
- “George W. Bush as ‘The Man in the Arena’: Baseball, Public Memory, and the Rhetorical Redemption of a President.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 22 (2019): 1-31.
- “Militarism and Memorializing at the Pro Football Hall of Fame.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 9 (September 2012): 241-258.
- “Saved at Home: Christian Branding and Faith Nights in the ‘Church of Baseball.’” Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (August 2011): 309-333.
Noah Cohan
Book and Public Scholarship Project:
- “Baseball Fan Behavior as Postmodern Praxis in Don DeLillo's Underworld.” Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature 36.2 (2019):
- “New Media, Old Methods: Archiving and Close Reading the Sports Blog,” Journal of Sport History 44.2 (2017): 275-286.
- “Why ‘Sport in the University’?: An Introduction,” American Studies 55.3 (2016): 5-18.
- “Rewriting Sport and Self: Fan Self-Reflexivity and Bill Simmons's The Book of Basketball,” Popular Communication 11.2 (2013): 130-145.
Doug Hartmann
- Race, Culture, and the Revolt of the Black Athlete: The 1968 Olympic Protests and their Aftermath
- Midnight Basketball: Race, Sports, and Neoliberal Social Policy
Articles and Book Chapters:
- “The Performance and Reception of Race-Based Athletic Activism: Toward a Critical, Dramaturgical Theory of Sport.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 10: 543-569. (With Alex Manning and Kyle Green)
- “Sport, Social Movements, and Athlete Activism.” Pp. 571-594 in Oxford Handbook of Sport & Society, edited by Lawrence Wenner, Oxford University Press.
- “What Can We Learn from Sport if We Take Sport Seriously as a Racial Force? Lessons from C.L.R. James’s Beyond a Boundary.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26, 3: 451-483.
- “Sport as Contested Terrain.” Pp. 405-415 in Blackwell Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies, edited by David Theo Goldberg and John Solomos. Oxford: Blackwell.
Victoria E. Johnson
Articles and Book Chapters:
- "Sporting Community: Activism and Responsibility in Turbulent Times." Television & New Media 21, no. 6 (September 2020): 590-596.
- "More Than A Game: LeBron James and the Affective Economy of Place." In Racism Postrace, eds. Sarah Banet-Weiser, Roopali Mukherjee, and Herman Gray. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019, 154-177.
- "'Together, We Make Football': The NFL's 'Feminine' Discourses." Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture 14.1 (2016): 12-20.
- "Monday Night Football: Brand Identity." How To Watch Television: Media Criticism In Practice, eds. Jason Mittell and Ethan Thompson (NY: New York University Press, 2013), 262-270.
Abraham I. Kahn
Articles and Book Chapters:
- “Curt Flood, Confrontational Rhetoric, and the Radical’s Constellation,” in Sport, Rhetoric, and the Political, ed. Michael Butterworth & Dan Grano (New York: Peter Lang). 2019.
- “Michael Sam, Jackie Robinson, and the Politics of Respectability,” in Communication & Sport 5.3 (2017), 267-287.
- “Race and Sport: A Disciplinary History and Exhortation,” in Defining Sport Communication, ed. Andrew Billings (New York: Routledge), 2017.
- “A Rant Good for Business: Communicative Capitalism and the Capture of Anti-Racist Resistance,” (2016) Popular Communication 14(1), 39-48.
Jason Kido Lopez
- “Rewriting Activism: The NFL Takes a Knee,” Critical Studies in Media Communication 38.2 (2021): 183-196.
- “Branding Athlete Activism” in Race and Media: Critical Approaches, ed. Lori Kido Lopez (New York: NYU, 2020), 67-76.
- “ESPN+: Subscribing to Diversity, Marginalizing Women’s Sports” From Networks to Netflix: A Guide to Changing Channels, ed. Derek Johnson (London: Routledge, 2018),
- “Deploying Oppositional Fandom: Activists’ Use of Sports Fandom in the Redskin Controversy,” in Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World, eds. Jonathan Gray, Cornel Sandvoss, and C. Lee Harrington (New York: New York University Press, 2017).
Theresa Runstedtler
- Jack Johnson, Rebel Sojourner: Boxing in the Shadow of the Global Color Line
- Black Ball: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Spencer Haywood, and the Generation that Shaped the Soul of the NBA
Articles and Book Chapters:
- “In Sports the Best Man Wins: How Joe Louis Whupped Jim Crow,” in Ed. Amy Bass, In the Game: Race, Identity and Sports in the Twentieth Century (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005): 47-92.
- “Punishing the Punch: Constructions of Black Criminality During the NBA’s ‘Dark Ages,’” Journal of African American History, vol. 104, no. 3 (Summer 2019): 445-473.
- “More Than Just Play: Unmasking Black Child Labor in the Athletic Industrial Complex,” Special Issue: Consuming Athletic Labor, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, vol. 42, no. 3 (2018): 152-169.
- “Racial Bias: Black Athletes, Reagan’s War on Drugs, and Big-time Sports Reform,” Special Issue: Sport in the University, American Studies, vol. 55, no. 3 (2016): 85-115. (Co-edited issue with Lucia Trimbur, Dan Gilbert, Tyran Steward, Noah Cohan)
Jaime Schultz
- Qualifying Times: Points of Change in U.S. Women’s Sport
- Moments of Impact: Injury, Racialized Memory, and Reconciliation in College Football
- Women and Sports in the United States: A Documentary Reader
- “Going the Distance: The Road to the 1984 Olympic Women’s Marathon,” International Journal of the History of Sport 32.1 (2015): 72-88.
- “Caster Semenya and the ‘Question of Too’: Sex Testing in Elite Women’s Sport and the Issue of Advantage,” Quest 63.2 (2011): 228-243.
- “Leaning Into the Turn: Towards a New Cultural Sports History,” Sporting Traditions 27.2 (2010): 45-59.
- “A Wager Concerning a Diplomatic Pig’: A Crooked Reading of the Floyd of Rosedale Narrative,” Journal of Sport History 32.1 (2005): 1-21.
Samantha N. Sheppard
- Sporting Blackness: Race, Embodiment, and Critical Muscle Memory on Screen
- Sporting Realities: Critical Readings of the Sports Documentary (co-edited with Travis Vogan)
- “Boobie Miles: Failure and Friday Night Lights,” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 43.4 (2019): 319-340.
- “Close-Up: Mediated Contests: Sports, Race, and the Power of Narrative.” Black Camera: An International Journal 10.1 (Fall 2018): 156-161.
- “The Exception That Proves the Rule: Race, Place, and Meritocracy in Rand University,” Black Camera: An International Journal 10.1 (Fall 2018): 162-176.
- “Historical Contestants: African American Documentary Traditions in On the Shoulders of Giants,” Journal of Sports & Social Issues 41.6 (2017): 462-477.
- The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution,
- Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sports
- “The Sochi Olympics, Celebration Capitalism and Homonationalist Pride,” Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 41.1 (2017): 42-69 (with Mary Shearman)
- “Thinking the unthinkable: Imagining an ‘un-American,’ Girl-friendly, Women- and Trans-Inclusive Alternative for Baseball,” Journal of Sport & Social Issue, Vol 37.1 (2013): 78-96.
- “Women’s Ski Jumping, the 2010 Olympic Games and the Deafening Silences of Sex Segregation, Whiteness and Wealth,” in the Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 35.2 (2011): 126-145.
- “The Sport Nexus and Gender Injustice,” Studies in Social Justice, 2.1 (2008): 79-101.
Thomas Oates
- The NFL: Critical and Cultural Perspectives
- Playing to Win: Sports, Video Games, and the Culture of Play (co-edited with Robert Allen Brookey)
- Football and Manliness: An Unauthorized Feminist Account of the NFL
- “Where I’m From': Jay-Z’s 'Hip Hop Cosmopolitanism,' Basketball, and the Neoliberal Politics of Urban Space," in Sociology of Sport Journal 37(3), 2020.
- From Death to Spectacle: Football's Neoliberal Revolution, with Chris Henderson and Travis Vogan, in Addressing the Crisis: The Stuart Hall Project 1(1), 2019.
- “The Erotic Gaze in the NFL Draft," in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 4(1), 2007.
- “Representing the Audience: The Gendered Politics of Sport Media,” in Feminist Media Studies 12(4), 2012.
Travis Vogan
- The Boxing Film: A Cultural and Transmedia History
- Sporting Realities: Critical Readings of the Sports Documentary (co-edited with Samantha N. Sheppard)
- ABC Sports: The Rise and Fall of Network Sports Television
- ESPN: The Making of the Sports Media Empire
- Keepers of the Flame: NFL Films and the Rise of Sports Media
- "Pigskin Nation: How the NFL Remade American Politics," in Sport History Review 50(1), 2019.
- "Monday Night Football and the Racial Roots of the Network TV Event," in Television & New Media 18(3), 2017.
- "Sporting Los Angeles: How the Olympics and Other Games Created America’s Most Glamorous City," in Journal of Urban History 47(6), 2021.
Journals in the field:
- Sociology of Sport (SSJ)
- Journal of Sport and Social Issues
- Communication and Sport
- Journal of Sports Media
- Journal of Sport History
- International Journal of the History of Sport
- International Review for the Sociology of Sport
- International Journal of Sport Communication
Book series: Studies in Sports Media, University of Illinois Press