Greteman is at work on a book, Networking English Print, which draws from his digital humanities project, Shakeosphere: Mapping Early Modern Social Networks. After mining the publication history of nearly every book printed in English before 1800, Greteman and his collaborators mapped the connections between printers, authors, publishers, and booksellers. By pairing the methods of network analysis with newly available digital archives, Greteman's book aims to change the way we talk about authorship, publication, and print, highlighting the hidden histories and lost figures behind the early modern communications revolution.

Executive director of Iowa’s Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry, Greyser studies American literature and culture, critical race and gender theory, affect studies, and the rhetorical arts. She is working on her second book, which examines the psychic, socio-political, and institutional dimensions of writer’s block, drawing on her work as head writing coach at the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. Writing Through Writer’s Block argues that the neoliberal university promotes writer’s block as it demands productivity, and maps unjust distributions of block and flow in the raced, classed, gendered terrain of the post-Fordist Academy.

Hannah earned his PhD from the University of Oregon in June 2015. He studies Anglo-American modernism, twentieth-century literature, and digital humanities. His dissertation, Networks of Modernism: Toward a Theory of Cultural Production, analyzes modernism as the product of diffuse transatlantic interactions among individuals.

Kyle's work focuses on illustrated botanical manuscripts (herbals) as sites of convergence for Pan-Mediterranean medical and artistic traditions and humanist enterprises, particularly in the courts of northern Italy and in Venice during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Currently, she is working on a book project that examines the relationship between botanical imagery in medical books—before and after the advent of print—and the developments in pharmacology, which together shaped the professional identity of physicians and pharmacists in Early Modern Venice.

A lifelong horse lover and former competitor in the cavalry-derived sport of three-day eventing, Marra, a theater historian, developed a 75-minute autobiographical solo piece entitled Horseback Views: A Queer Hippological Performance linking her family's history with thoroughbreds to the wider Anglo-American equestrian tradition. Her current book project is Fashioning the Thoroughbred Ideal: Show Women and Show Horses on American Stages, 1865–1930.

Paige studies how African Americans think about inequality and social mobility in the post-Civil Rights Era, including their experiences with racism and discrimination and urban inequality. She is currently working on a book that explores how African Americans has navigated the severe urban decline and public sector contraction in Detroit, MI, and how this has shaped their broader ideas about inequality and social mobility.

Pérez's research interests include Spanish drama, visual culture, transatlantic studies, and art. During her semester at the Obermann Center, Pérez will work on two projects. The first, tentatively titled Academic Festival Books and the Rise of Institutional Power in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America, will use digital tools in a large-scale metadata investigation of publishing networks, asking how universities used strategic funding of festivals, celebrations, and festival books to shape early modern Spanish culture. The second is a graphic memoir that explores the challenges faced by women of color in higher education.

A founding member of the Latina/Latino Studies Minor Advisory Board, Wanzer-Serrano studies the ways in which colonialism continues to structure social relations—particularly with regard to Latina/o/x contexts, and issues of race and ethnicity—even after specific colonial administrations have crumbled. He is currently researching his next book project, Possession: Crafting Americanity in Congressional Debates over Puerto Rico’s Status, 1898–1917, which focuses on the ways debates over Puerto Rico’s colonial status shaped an ideology and rhetoric of Americanity in the early 20th century.