Jenna Hammerich

Communications Coordinator

Jenna Hammerich assists with Obermann's web presence and communications. She holds an MFA in nonfiction writing, an MA in English literature, and a postgraduate diploma in architecture. Previously she served as Deputy Managing Editor of The Iowa Review and as a writer for the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Jenna also manages a blueberry farm near Iowa City with her husband, daughter, and llamas.

Authored by Jenna Hammerich

The Archeology of Ten Minutes Ago: Preserving the Artifacts of Border Crossing

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Across campus and community, you’ll be seeing the poster for our upcoming symposium, Against Amnesia: Archives, Evidence, and Social Justice. We wanted a powerful image to anchor our communications for this event—one that captures the urgency and importance of archiving in today’s political climate, especially in the name of human rights. Living, breathing archives, uncomfortable, incriminating...

Typewriters for Eskimos: Imperialist Rhetoric & Puerto Rico

Monday, October 23, 2017
In 1898, soon-to-be U.S. Senator Albert Beveridge (R-Indiana) urged his fellow Congressmen to “administer government” to the “savages and senile peoples” of Puerto Rico, newly acquired by the U.S. “Shall we save them from [possession by other nations],” he cried, “to give them a self-rule of tragedy? It would be like giving a razor to a babe and telling it to shave itself. It would be like giving...

Talking “Prophylactic Chats” with Fellow-in-Residence Edward Cohn

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
It's 1975, Lithuania. You receive a letter in the mail—brief, and on KGB letterhead. "You are invited to a friendly chat at our headquarters," it says. "Next Monday, 10 a.m." Gulp. These "chats"—frequent occurrences in Khrushchev-era Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia—are the current fascination of Obermann Fellow-in-Residence Edward Cohn. A professor of history at Grinnell College, Dr. Cohn...