Obermann Center Fellows-in-Residence, Spring 2018
Application deadline: Sept. 12, 2017
The Obermann Fellows-in-Residence program is rooted in our mission: to support the work of individual scholars, while also providing Fellows with the opportunity to enrich an individual, discipline-specific project through interdisciplinary exchanges with a lively intellectual community. This program is available to anyone with funding such as a Career Development Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, or a postdoctoral award. Fellows receive an office, a stipend ($1,000), and staff support.
Graduate Institute on Engagement & the Academy, January 8–12, 2018
Application deadline: Oct. 10, 2017
The Obermann Graduate Institute is a one-week interdisciplinary intensive seminar in which UI graduate students from across campus and at any point in their graduate studies explore how public engagement can enhance teaching, research, and creative work. This program is co-sponsored by the UI Graduate College. Participants receive a $500 stipend.
Humanities Symposium Directorship, 2019–2020
Application deadline: Oct. 10, 2017
One of the premier humanities events each year at the UI, the Obermann Humanities Symposium is intended to advance national or even international exploration of an important topic in the humanities and to highlight the work of UI faculty. This is a $30,000 award (pending budget); many recipients have applied for and received additional funding from other UI offices. The Director(s) also receive significant staff support.
Interdisciplinary Research Grants, Summer 2018
Application deadline: Nov. 14, 2017
Working in pairs or trios, recipients of the Obermann Interdisciplinary Research Grants (IDRG) are focused on a collaborative scholarly or creative project. IDRG groups work together for two or four weeks at the Obermann Center during the summer. Each collaborator receives $6,000 in research funding for a four-week residency and $3,000 for a two-week residency, in addition to office space.
Obermann Working Groups, 2018–2019
Application deadline: April 10, 2018
These groups of six or more faculty and upper-level graduate students meet once a month at the Obermann Center to explore a shared intellectual interest. The groups, which are usually interdisciplinary, have met to discuss each other’s work, review each other’s writing, or work toward a common goal such as a grant application. Groups can apply for up to $1,000 to support their activities.
HASTAC Scholars, 2018–2019
Application deadline: April 10, 2018
Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory Scholars are part of a community of graduate students from more than 75 universities and come from dozens of disciplines. HASTAC students work at the intersection of technology and the arts, humanities and sciences. UI HASTAC Scholars receive $1,000.
Obermann Center Fellows-in-Residence, Fall 2018
Application deadline: May 8, 2018
The Obermann Fellows-in-Residence program is rooted in our mission: to support the work of individual scholars, while also providing Fellows with the opportunity to enrich an individual, discipline-specific project through interdisciplinary exchanges with a lively intellectual community. This program is available to anyone with funding such as a Career Development Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, or a postdoctoral award. Recipients receive an office, a stipend ($1,000), and staff support.