Articles from January 2019
Explore the latest news about Obermann programs, events, and our interdisciplinary community of scholars.
Save the date! March 8 Career Diversity in the Humanities Working Symposium
Monday, January 14, 2019
SAVE THE DATE! Career Diversity in the Humanities: An Obermann Humanities for the Public Good Working Symposium March 8 from 9–5 at the Iowa City Public Library Across the country, leaders of PhD programs in the humanities face a conundrum. How can a department honor the subjects, methods, and practices of their disciplines while also preparing graduates for diverse careers? To...

Nathan Platte's Fascination with the Sounds of an Unassuming Director
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Robert Wise doesn’t make sense the same way some directors and their work do. He’s not labyrinthine like Hitchcock or surreal like Lynch. In fact, it’s hard to imagine that some of his films were created by the same person. It is this eclecticism that attracted musicologist Nathan Platte, a faculty member in the School of Music and a Fall 2018 Obermann Fellow-in-Residence, to write a book about...